《命运》又名Cambio de planes、计划性变革。
A Christmas Carol. Manolo (Diego Peretti) is undergoing a severe crisis: the routine of his work is unbearable, his marriage to Beatrice (Aitana Sanchez-Gijon) is on the brink of the abyss and relationships with their children are not good. One day he meets Antonio (Andoni Hernandez), a boy of 15 with cancer, but with a contagious zest for life. So Manolo's life is turned upsid...
不懒卡 2014-12-17
Maktub: estaba escrita 啊哈哈最后吓到我了
ДиiDinamita 2013-01-06
Un cuento navideño lleno de poesía y muy familiar. 大温情,小灵感,小幽默。@上海塞万提斯图书馆 有借
Plata 2019-05-03
Hostia!!!Jorge garcia和Izaskun在一個電影裡!!!!感覺好穿越。。。。。
Jacinta 2012-09-09
这片子好可爱!!本来觉得就是中规中矩的四分 但是结尾好加分啊!!!最后让我想起了不能说的秘密。。我也好希望大家都看不见我啊!!或者只有老师看不见我。。。。。。。= =。
Adriánito 2012-11-15
没买到就是赚到 2012-12-26