When Colonel Pretis of the U.N. falls in love with Mathilde, a local girl, during the Balkans war, he lets his passion overcome his sense of duty and responsibility in a country torn by civil war. But his emotions and the beautiful Croatian seaside blur the tragedies of war... until they all catch up with him in the most fatal manner.
BelleDeJour 2020-07-24
P君、 2022-08-11
虽然是英语但有口音让我本就**的听力雪上加霜 所以细节都没看懂 剧情其实没有那么复杂只是剪辑令人迷惑 回忆套回忆导致搞不清**实际发生顺序 甚至还有奇怪的闪现剪辑和印度切镜(X 虽然女主弟弟似乎很重要但出去玩了一晚上都没想起弟弟好像又没那么重要 所以显得后来男主为了救弟弟而牺牲似乎也没什么必要 然后这样的反战片也能搞点白学场景是我没想到的(***之全片剪辑比较迷 反战好像也不是很深刻