***** EXPECTATIONS introduces us to the most significant architectural movements and personalities of the 20th century, including, among many others, Le Corbusier's functionalist cities, Buckminster Fuller's lightweight geodesic domes, Moshe Safdie's Habitat '67 prefab apartments, Rudolf Steiner's Goetheanum and other anthroposophy buildings in Switzerland, Oscar Niemeyer's sle...
文的 2014-08-10
副标题是A History through Visionary Architecture,结果开头5分钟就从工业**跳到1920s,就跳到二战后了...选的其实都是housing,民宅,那就不要用这么大的题目嘛。然后选的案例也有点南辕北辙。导演估计喜欢圆球建筑,基本选的都是。