Not a continuous series with consistent story continuity, but a number of essentially independent stories, 'Love Boat without the cruise ship'. Each episode is set in another exotic holiday destination, interweaving the adventures of local inhabitants and hotel staff and some of the hotel guests, whose problems usually root at home in Europe, with ample images of the local natu...
Richard.M.Lu 2014-01-29
挺不错的,里面的Eva-Marin Grein 很漂亮
2046 2013-05-21
阿茶 2013-03-10
**电影好几个月以前以前播过Verliebt auf Mauritius这一集,译成蓝天***。本来已心死,经过极大的周折终找到这个系列,要感谢伟大的谷歌、油管、IMDb及red arrow international。看时是凌晨,罗曼故事尚无圈点之处,但人在黑暗中,仍被毛里求斯的美深深深深折*与感动。
ElsaGuoo 2014-10-21
岸芷汀兰 2013-08-05
哈哈 情节一般 但是让我回忆起了自己的泰国之旅 还是很开心 泰国很美 酒店很舒*
Allei 2012-12-27
看的是2009年的Das Traumhotel - Kap der guten Hoffnung,豆瓣没有收录,先用这个记一下