“You are wonderful and worthy of being loved ”,“Wow, check out the sunset. So nice to stop and take all this in. ” "I love looking at you. I want to remember all your shapes. Ah, beautiful" "I see you trying to do so many things at once, Worrying about a decision you made, Worried that you said the wrong thing to someone. You're so hard on yourself. " "you're wonderful and worthy of being loved"
g1823 2017-09-06
I was really looking at its butt ! it's creepy ! but I was almost moved to tears...
没事干看电影 2017-03-27
Panda的影音 2017-04-08
喂,110 吗?这里有个人没穿衣*。—— 「You are wonderful and worthy of being loved」(你很棒且值得被爱)。
桃子 2017-09-26
三月对我笑 2021-07-01
挺治愈的,可是真到那时候可能也只是微微的一缕光,似乎能救你,但似乎又不能。就像拉着你的最后一根稻草,可能把你从悬崖边拽上来,也可能断裂...有时候这种话让陌生人来说可能更管用吧,熟人说的只能让人觉得更加压抑。 多听听,闭眼循环,挺好的 可是被弄成了鬼畜版真的太让人崩溃了,太让人崩溃了,太让人崩溃了
深夜声噎 2017-03-28
WIKI魏 2019-08-23
“You are wonderful and worthy of being loved ”,“Wow, check out the sunset. So nice to stop and take all this in. ” "I love looking at you. I want to remember all your shapes. Ah, beautiful" "I see you trying to do so many things at once, Worrying about a decision you made, Worried that you said the wrong thing to someone. You're so hard on yourself. " "you're wonderful and worthy of being loved"
张兮兮 2020-03-31
法外之徒 2023-06-22
**小人儿是一个我的目光可以随意穿透的“对象” 但我的心却被他的声音穿透了
Q-bits 2017-05-27