At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, and his own brushes with controversy. 阔别洛杉矶10年后的首秀,查贝尔借用调侃Bill Cosby,O.J Simpson和自己过往的风波,直接了当地将现场推向**。
zezezex 2020-12-24
忘记黑人和***比惨竞争是不是这集里的,对白人女性叫嚣嗤之以鼻可理解,可但凡了解woman suffer的人类史戏谑时也会更谨慎一点。男单口中找具备性别平等意识的也挺困难,我只知道Trevor Noah和Daniel Sloss,都挺年轻 1984、1990。
名字特别酷的人 2017-03-26
zykmilan 2020-05-01
两个call back真是绝了:一个是见OJ的几面(甚至都下场了又来了个安可),另一个是he rapes but he saves。
庄常飞 2017-04-25
he rapes, but he also saves, and he saves **** than he rapes
裴三 2018-04-17
need to start working on ** "shut the **** up" money now
NamesPitt 2017-09-17
He rapes but he saves. And he saves **** than he rapes, but he does ****.
吴邪 2022-02-11
They can chew it but still be hungry. Not yet… His soon-to-be-slain wife… You see the movies I made… Here comes the deep water. He’s not your champ! Sneaker deal无敌…T is for tough road ahead…You generation lives in the most difficult time in human history. This is the age of spin. 结合二战历史,女性的崛起. He rapes, but he saves…心说第四次见OJ呢?返场可还行 哈哈哈
SaturnianAir 2018-05-20
结构有下功夫,与辛普森的四次会面串起the age of spin, 但整场都建立在“你惨但我比你更惨所以我懂你但***不懂我所以我能歧视你但***不能歧视我”的清奇逻辑之上,说他明白women suffer那里真的气笑了,你明白个屁啊。
蓬茅下 2017-04-04
And while all this was going on, Bill Cosby raped 54 people.
蚂蚁没问题 2019-09-08
比大多数黑人脱口秀演员都要冷静一点,没那么多夸张的肢体动作,结构相当不错,四次遇到OJ,超级英雄和Bill Cosby,【you suffer,I suffer,that’s how it works】