After films by Grecu, in which apparently untouched deserts or barren territories played the main role, here this part is taken on by a landscape strictly planned by humans. It is meant to demonstrate power, exude awe and not least defy all influence. But what if nature won’t put up with this claim and steadily reclaims something, which the North Korean dictatorial ****** seeks...
第26届安锡国际动画节:短篇动画单元 评审特别奖。
豆友1089826 2016-06-11
魚尾魚 2021-10-19
朗天作為guest speaker放給我們——為何韓國電影會有如此矛盾的復仇性? 睇完後想學後期了 這個形式需要一個中國故事...
镜头乐园 2016-05-02
昔日月影 2016-04-08
160401 想象一场洪水淹没平壤,权力反射于水中,照见的是什么样的面孔?