Nearly eight years after the critically acclaimed series, Hopkins 24/7, ABC News returns to Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Hospital for a new six-part documentary entitled Hopkins, which delves even deeper into the world of caregivers at this hospital. Hopkins offers a rare look at the impact this high pressure profession can have on doctors' personal lives. For **** months ABC News...
瑞秋 2014-05-23
Boston Med中每个医生头上都被添加了巨大的光环。与Boston Med相比起来,这部医学纪录片更接地气。实习生犯错,血管外科医生三次婚姻,心胸外科医生婚姻不和谐,刚出生的婴儿宣布死亡,少年猝死……Life can be full of frustrations sometimes.
丫丫布^念兒 2015-05-08
\\Life,sometimes can throw you some really hard curves,and u just gonna get up and do it again,over and over
poiuny 2015-04-26
在*******上看的// 医生的身上好像有一种我无法企及的气质 // 14年8月来hopkins之后开始看的这个 医生真是神奇的职业
小石头stones 2019-07-16
哈哈 最后一集黑了一把中国心外科的医生 ps看完当天就梦到和墨西哥小哥谈恋爱 xswl
宁谧松谷 2010-09-29