Nicholas Ray ended his Hollywood career with his most expensive production, 55 Days in Peking (1963), and followed it ten years later with his least expensive, an experimental and politically radical independent feature made with his film students. Each movie is a shambles, though if I had to choose between them I'd probably opt for this one, which is certainly the **** origina...
十万 2015-06-22
哎嘛泪流满面 最后庞德那句make it new简直萦绕脑海三百天
某生者 2024-06-21
KID Y 2024-07-11
8.1 设置一块似电视机的正方形银幕,再将画面分割成更小的尺寸,超验的影像组成了模拟的,亦是**的真实,也因此罕见地拍出了**影像的另一面:在****的元电影背后,也许是面对自我毁灭的勇气,消极地抵抗着世界的崩塌。
Rej 2011-10-18
连同导演夫人Susan Ray拍的纪录片Don't Expect Too Much一起看的。两部都看哭了。
不缇 2013-09-21
Vincent Lan 2020-09-06
He believes in the image and the face
667DJP 2011-11-19
Kill tcyxzmy 2020-06-26
馬祖惠 2015-10-26
Tear comes when I saw the images. Most beautiful mess ever exsist.
KUMA 2014-09-27
Essai collectif ** expérimental, We prend plus l’allure de la video art que celle du ciné**. En avance sur son temps,Ray effectue 1 rupture radicale avec son esthétique antérieure ( écrans multiples, surimpression). Renaissance psychédélique ou adieu testamentaire ?