Hosanna, or 'Save us now', raises a serious question of saving a corrupt world. The film begins with a scene showing the boy's special power to revive a frog rolled over by a car (as a short without cuts). He also cuts his arm and feeds the blood to a mother in a vegetative state to continue her life. The villagers commit *******, get injured or suffer from illness. And the boy...
第65届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 最佳短片。
泓廷 2015-02-25
实在恶心 结尾需要字幕说明的都是**片儿
阿伦和饭师傅 2015-02-16
#第65届柏林电影节 DV画质 残酷到底
托尼饿得快 2015-02-15