《冰凉午餐》又名COLD LUNCH。
Christer (27) is on his way to work when a seagull shits on his *****. Down in the Laundromat in the basement he suddenly remembers that all his rent money is in his ***** pocket. In an attempt to save the money, he takes out the main fuse of the building to stop the washing machine. When the superintendent puts the fuse back in, an old man in an apartment above clumsily change...
何倩彤 2009-04-14
13-4-2009 12:30pm ***** museum
sofia_lana 2021-03-02
13/4/2009 ***** museum lecture hall 12:30nn
L'llariit 2017-01-22
略显荒诞,有些镜头回味悠长,Pia Tjelta是不是发福了....
逗你玩 2022-03-20
小成本电影 **制作 非常的北欧阴郁风 人们长期压抑下的精神疾病