Usually when a television biopic is released on a celebrity, its, at the very least, campy (i.e. Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart, Lauren BaCall as Doris Duke), this is the most horrendous, cheap, and BORING television movie ever made. If VH-1 is going to make a television film, they have GOT to spend a little **** money on them. Flex Alexander--though gifted with the Michael ...
MAYBE 2017-08-26
They tried to tell the world the truth, at least we have already knew it
ttthus 2013-08-16
hiki 2009-11-23
导演怀有的敬意给了它童话色彩 仍难免隔靴搔痒
星期天 2009-12-01
化妆太诡异了 演得有点娘 人家只是小孩好伐 故事还是很正经的描述的MJ的造孽 还是本尊好啊 MJ >_<
躺平了 2009-07-23