《凯文·卡特之死》又名The Death of Kevin Carter: Casualty of the Bang Bang Club。
Runtime:USA/27 min In 1994, a South African photojournalist received the Pulitzer Prize for his picture of a starving girl stalked by a vulture. Weeks later, he carried out a terrible, desperate act--an act that embodied the anguish of an entire nation.
猫的棉花糖 2015-07-29
熊仔俠 2012-04-19
给我吃的就夸你 2016-06-02
In 1994, a South African photojournalist received the Pulitzer Prize for his picture of a starving girl stalked by a vulture. Weeks later, he carried out a terrible, desperate act--an act that embodied the anguish of an entire nation.
阿勒曼尼亚酋长 2018-06-17
日尧 2018-05-15
Never judge someone when you don't know him. How he killed his kitten...