Violette Bushell is the daughter of an English father and a French mother, living in London in the early years of World War 2. She meets a handsome young French soldier in the park and takes him back for the family Bastille day celebrations. They fall in love, marry and have a baby girl when Violette Szabo receives the dreaded telegram informing her of his death in North Africa...
云云 2020-03-16
The life that I have is all that I have.And the life that I have is yours.The love that I have of the life that I have.Is yours, and yours and yours.A sleep I shall have,A rest I shall have.Yet death will be but a pause.For the peace of the years in the long green grass.Will be yours, and yours and yours.
爱看电影的猫 2023-12-16
momo 2023-12-24
一天一天 2024-04-19
很久前很小时,父母单位院子里一百多人围着一台14英寸黑白电视看过,没看懂。重温一遍。**四星。 The life that I have is all that I have The life that I have is yours The love that I have of the life that I have Is yours and yours and yours The sleep I shall have,the rest I shall have Yet death will be but a pause For the peace of ** years,in the long green grass Will be yours and yours and yours
荣小螈赠阅 2019-11-08
admax 2012-09-06
怀念您! 2024-09-17
晚安好运©️ 2013-06-22
拍得很主旋律,不过两位打酱油的太亮了:公园里的波兰士兵是Nigel Hawthorne,火车上喊着要喝水的囚犯是Michael Caine……
唔吖哇 2020-04-17
清风徐来 2023-03-31