Oh ** god. Is that just a sort of people carry their BB gun and shoot a film for have fun? It is a kind of fake documentary movie. But all I see here is FAKE!!! You can find it in every where in the movie. Like the way the soilders carry their guns.Fake like the jurnoualist seem
神的** 2014-04-27
焦瑷 2016-07-10
FY7 2023-06-12
Chloe 2013-07-31
谁看谁后悔。摄像机不停地晃动,看得人头晕。女考古学家不见了也不交代,男考古学家被救了之后又不见了也没有交代,最后的大****....R u kidding me?
云起C 2014-02-19
小成本电影 绝对的烂片 名字叫异形 但最后也没有露个样子 只有中间2个鬼知道真么做的头颅 假模假样的貌似异性 实际上什么都没有 就是一个女记者跟着几个男士兵 在从来里走来走去 貌似很惊恐 实际什么都没有的伪纪录片 烂
橘子罐头 2013-09-10
Nominate for worst picture ever.
恒星的** 2013-10-10
Oh ** god. Is that just a sort of people carry their BB gun and shoot a film for have fun? It is a kind of fake documentary movie. But all I see here is FAKE!!! You can find it in every where in the movie. Like the way the soilders carry their guns.Fake like the jurnoualist seem
Bucol 2013-10-08
方轮自行车 2017-07-01
山芋酱 2013-10-13