Just a Really Good Vibe, 21 July 2000 Author: Quicksand from Dallas, TX This movie was entirely too much fun. In many ways, it reminded me of "Dazed & Confused," or "Go," but it was done so much better, both in characters, character development, and the best ending of all three films. The movie is about a Rave, pure and ******, in modern day San Francisco. The chara...
一個問號 2021-02-08
欢乐时光 (I hope at the end of every shut down there will be a ‘John Digweed’
peachplumpear 2014-08-16
90年代2000年初的锐舞真是让人向往 3年前刚到纽约的时候去布鲁克林参加了一个地下锐舞 真的是PLUR大家都好友好 一男生还走上来问我能在你身边跳舞吗 现在的锐舞不能说变好变坏只能说我盼望能体验一回14年前的锐舞 片末神曲shazam之后发现是Scott Hardkiss的 ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CHL 2019-04-12
这部电影讲述了一帮年轻人偷偷举办*****的一夜故事,拍摄很真实,呈现了underground世界的真实一面。歌曲很棒,当人们以为*****被迫关闭后,这一切已经结束,可没想到 raver们可是打不下去的...john digweed的登场才说明*****刚刚开始!这是一部展示锐舞文化**年代的好电影!
PsychoBarbie 2022-02-22