《破解达芬奇密码》又名破解达文西密码、Cracking the Da Vinci Code (TV)、Cracking the Da Vinci Code (V)。
Hey, Simon Cox, don't give up your day ***. The most boring documentary I've ever seen! It may have been the droning, monotone voice of the male narrator reading a continuous snaggle of dates and names from medieval times that became a sleep-inducing hum. Or it could have been the weird music on the front channel that overwhelmed some of the commentary which, btw, was so poorly...
地极象 2011-12-06
郎眼财经《***的哭泣》 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMjkwNTcxODA0.html
假面同學 2013-09-10
Bill老余 2009-02-01
飞一般的头发 2011-05-25
半个半 2009-06-04
the worst documentary I have ever watched