《没有明天》又名There's No Tomorrow。
Evelyne Morin has known much misfortune in her life. Widowed, after being married to an unscrupulous adventurer, she ends up working as a call-girl in a Montmartre nightclub just so that she can bring up her young son. But Evelyne has hopes of escaping from this degrading life. One evening, she meets Georges, a Canadian friend, whom she once considered marrying. Since she last ...
stknight 2012-04-22
This is Ophüls in Poetic Realism mode。Though the story is slight,Ophüls' elegant compositions and camera movements,and the exquisite,delicate performance of Edwige Feuillère,lift this to the level of ***** art。Edwige Feuillère gives a wonderful performance。
TWY 2023-05-29
Muyan 2011-10-08
"我最喜欢看苦戏了,因为它总让我想起自己的人生"再讲下去就要开始骗人了 是不是 朱**?|20160717资料馆重看|20171207资料馆回顾展重看50+
闵思嘉 2015-10-06
蘇小北 2011-04-07
阿树 2017-09-21
sheepfield 2015-09-29
尽说些没用的,好在不做作-09/28/15 at MoMA
潇弭 2024-02-05
【B-】 “I'd like to slip into the mist. Disappear. Not seeing anything. Not feeling anything. Not thinking of anything.”
富拉尼又称富圣 2023-04-25
Evelyne Morin一生中经历过很多不幸。在嫁给一个肆无忌惮的冒险家后,她丧偶,最终在蒙马特的一家夜总会当****,以便抚养年幼的儿子。但伊芙琳有希望逃离这种有辱人格的生活。一天晚上,她遇到了一位加拿大朋友乔治,她曾考虑与他结婚。自从她最后一次见到乔治以来,乔治变得富有,并作为一名医生备受尊敬。为了掩盖自己的失败,伊芙琳在保***祖劳德的帮助下假装成一个受人尊敬的**,这个可恶的男人为她提供了继续欺骗的资金。当她的儿子无意中泄露了游戏时,伊芙琳把他交给了她的加拿大朋友照顾,然后消失在迷雾中。
杂技演员 2020-02-25