The deranged adventures of Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson and his attorney Oscar Acosta, referred to in the movie as "Laslow". Thompson attempts to cover the Super Bowl and the 1972 Presidential election in his typical drug-crazed state, but it continually and comically sidetracked by his even **** twisted friend Laslow. Allegedly based on actual events.
帖拉索伊朵 2012-06-20
interesting story, interesting guy ~ 那种神经质搞怪性格其实在现在很多电影电视里都有人物是这样的人物性格,比如black books里的,只不过这个是真实的,我身边如果能有个这样的人,该多有趣 ? 当然了,professional trouble maker 不是谁都能忍受的了的,做个喝酒聊天的朋友倒不错~
发际线靠后 2022-03-12
BSC™99,Bill Murray本色出演的赶脚
杜鹏 2016-01-15
不得不承认 比尔默瑞演刚左比德普演的好太多了