《皮靴里的钉子》又名Gvozd v sapoge、Nail in the Boot。
Having naively assumed that Kalatozov without Urusevsky would be somewhat underwhelming, I was astounded to see the brilliance of the imagery and montage in his early silent works (both here and in Salt For Svanetia).The machine-gun editing is as exhilarating as anything I've seen, and would surely have Guy Maddin weeping tears of joy. I've no idea what the film is actually a...
stknight 2011-12-08
卡拉托佐夫原来还是拍过默片的,结束的字幕还和观众来了个互动。The plot considers an armoured train crewed by communist men who all come from the same boot factory. The train is attacked by imperialist forces, and one soldier, sent away on foot, must try and call up reinforcements.
Lycidas 2019-10-09
masterclass with stephen horne & frank bockius
丁一 2010-01-06
***社社长 2020-09-12
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S04Kumpel 2024-12-03
Гво*дь в сапоге @2020-07-25 01:39:33