"In 1959, in Romania, six former members of the nomenklatura and the secret police organize a hold up of the National Bank. After their arrest, the state forces them to play themselves in a film which reconstitutes the crime and the investigation. At the end of their trial, filmed live, they are sentenced to death and executed. A month later, the film Reconstitution was release...
熊仔俠 2010-07-21
sirius_flower 2022-02-01
选的切入点很有意思 ****的银行劫案 全国唯一一家银行被劫 可这种**意义在哪呢?片子循着这起极其诡异的案件及具体其拍摄的电影reconstituirea探寻当年当事人与家属对此事的看法。片子从多个角度提出了近乎阴谋论一般的解读 但似乎也并未拿出充分证据。唯一比较确定的是最后被判的六个犹太裔干部并不能确定就是罪犯。最有趣的还是这部60年的电影是嫌疑人自己来表演的 构成了一种神奇的现实与虚构关系