Ricky Jay is a world-renowned magician, author, historian and actor (often a mischievous presence in the films of David Mamet and Paul Thomas Anderson) -- and a performer who regularly provokes astonishment from even the most jaded audiences. Deceptive Practice traces Jay's achievements and influences, from his apprenticeship at age 4 with his grandfather, to such now-forgotten...
peger 2013-05-05
怎么看的纪录片里**行业的大师都跟家里关系不好?Jiro, Bill Cunningham, Ricky Jay...
VVN 2013-05-01
可观性和信息性都很强的纪录片。跟随ricky jay这位纸牌魔术大师**他的成长,了解近现代很多魔术师以及历史。**无中生有变幻莫测的把戏让人惊叹连连!很让人感触的是同时也了解了他们的孤独与沉迷,与他们永远有所保留的师承关系。
livinglow 2013-07-25
2013/07/24 魔术变得挺**的,其他的没什么感觉。 从师徒关系入手是个不错的切入点,但是故事讲得没有什么爆点啊,每个老师都是最伟大的叉叉叉。