《最后的疾风之塞》又名The Bunker of the Last Gunshots。
A military group of men is locked up in a bunker in an unknown future. All those soldiers are waiting for an eventual enemy. But the discovery of a certain ******* will cause several catastrophies and will make those men kill each other... - Written by Chris Morin
Obtson 2011-09-12
stknight 2011-08-23
让-皮埃尔·热内导演的短片,没有对话。A military group of men is locked up in a bunker in an unknown future. All those soldiers are waiting for an eventual enemy. But the discovery of a certain ******* will cause several catastrophies and will make those men kill each other...
のり子 2023-02-04
芥子书屋 2019-05-19
小小苏横 2013-02-16
没想到热内也走过另一个极端 黑白影像都已经应用自如 成熟的用光与剪辑 敢作敢为 粗中有细 三岁看大 七岁看老啊