Carmen seduces a soldier. She takes him home to the Gypsy camp, and while he sleeps, she steals his clothes and weapons. She trades them for an elegant dress, but even with find clothes, she can't get the time of day from the toreador. She goes to the bullfight, where the soldier tries to come after her with a dagger. She gets into the ring and manages to seduce the bull, who t...
xīn 2012-04-27
资料馆2012.4.26 这部是黑白剪纸,欺骗偷窃的卡门在斗牛场上绽放,而被骗者不再被提及。浪漫的世界不需要道德观。
光 2013-11-28
看得是史上最伟大歌剧动画版,太好看了,精华啊! ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzQ3MzYyNTg0.html
鸳鸯 2012-04-28
小野 2012-04-26
D.air 2012-07-25