On his way home from work one day, Jim passes a little restaurant and smells the delicious smell of fresh beans. He can’t resist the temptation and orders a portion. With the well-known consequences, he goes off home. Slowly but surely he starts to break wind. At home, his wife has a big surprise for him…
星尘** 2007-11-26
太搞了吧- -!!屁的力量……好丢脸呢。橡皮泥呃
MoBlacksWan 2007-12-16
太特别的动画片~ 技术创新+幽默的寓意
苏** 2010-07-02
松子苦八 2020-11-23
如何在外界情况下面对自我 haha幽默~
AstroQuentin 2012-08-11