Steve and Susan Ireland are about to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary by re-enacting their first date. When Susan's meddling mother interrupts and injures herself. Steve is left to take care of her and when he meets an old flame in the elevator--Susan's mother takes the opportunity to break-up their marriage. She convinces Susan that Steve is cheating on her-Susan files ...
\t^h/ 2011-04-07
Freddie Lee 2011-09-30
wonderfully entertaining, 帽子舞会的露台和费城故事里威利叔叔家的露台是同一个
荒*少女朴赞郁 2021-10-17
nice,多出喜剧设置眼前一亮,电梯,地毯,William Powell还扮了次女装,假戏真做和这部都很喜欢,个人觉得比瘦人系列好看
麦田圈212 2024-04-17
“甜蜜”做的中字。William Powell+Myrna Loy这对儿真是可爱死了,百看不厌。Powell贡献了精彩的女装扮相。**瞎胡闹,笑死了。
炭烧牛肉 2016-09-17
再次漏马……原来当年萌这对的时候补了这么多部....Bill捧着鱼和穿女装的片段真的笑死我了 太可爱了
bayer04 2011-03-22
Simply the best leading couple ever graced the silver screen. scenes without them together are rather tepid.
nymph 2022-10-29
又名“为了挽回太太我可以去到几尽”/“疯抑或不疯这是一个问题”。甜甜蜜蜜鸡飞狗跳脑洞大开,本cp粉兼神经喜剧爱好者十分满足,直接当the thin man系列的番外看😋
HurryShit 2013-12-29
秋熙 2017-12-26
IreneBullock 2020-07-14
Gail Patrick太可爱~~演的角色没有那么weaselly。 无论是瘦子系列还是其他**,感觉Myrna都很像配角……WP女装那段笑点太多,而且他演slapstick效果惊人!除了Libeled Ladies最喜欢他们这次**