《厨艺大师》又名大厨擂台(港)、Master Chef。
John Torode and Gregg Wallace lead the contestants in their first foray into fine dining in large numbers. They have to prepare a delectable three-course meal for over 200 guests at Middle Temple, one of the historical Inns of Court at the heart of the British legal ******. Guests at the dinner include some of the most high-ranking legal figures in the land. Working under the h...
#瞬间收藏家# 2017-02-13
没废话没噱头,在电视上看的,相比之下同时****在播的同类节目真心弱……| 糟糕历史那个**版真心笑哭!小胖Ben叔神还原2333
碧落亦然 2012-05-19
Mademoiselle B 2012-02-03
那时候天天等着在明珠台上看=v= 当然最后winner是我最喜欢的选手
很好很会吃米 2014-01-26
好多标记的都在那儿叫Joe好帅什么的……**这是英版的好吗!哪儿来的Joe啊!…… 摄影太渣了**,extremecloseup是真爱,看得老子头昏
Z 2014-04-17
Iris Strange 2011-11-15
最近每天晚上必看,我觉得我有点迷上Michel Roux了哈哈哈哈,老男人忒嗲了
方姝*。 2013-04-03
第九季,找不到IMDb code添加不了0.0 看完整个人都有自信了,如Gusteau (from料理鼠王) 所言:everyone can cook
fille 2012-10-28
和老妈在saint hyacinthe 的小屋 窝着看完了一到三部,她赞不绝口,看不够。。。吼吼吼
Persephone 2016-01-14
喵酱 2020-07-28
看了这个节目转手book in一个fine dinning的餐厅!好看,最喜欢看两个**做示范的环节,赏心悦目