《幕后危机 第三季》又名幕后危机。
Following the PM's resignation there is a cabinet reshuffle and Hugh is to be replaced as secretary of state for Social Affairs and Citizenship. Unfortunately only one person is interested in taking on the post, obscure junior minister Nicola Murray. True she is very keen but she also has a fear of lifts, a husband whose firm gets government contracts and a daughter about to st...
GGH&& 2014-06-08
流水的部长铁打的皮卡233 最漂亮的其实还是去5台录节目哪一期啊23333333333333笑裂
**十点了 2012-07-19
第7集Malcom下台的时候惆怅了许久许久 Terry最后那一句or not又*中脆弱神经 第4季演员大换血是不可避免了说实话真舍不得这帮** 迄今为止看过的最棒最棒的剧集
三七 2013-08-15
虞葱葱 2019-11-26
Enjoyed the Glaswegian accent and playful insults the most. Does it simply say that the triviality of life, especially politics, is like a looking glass - it distorts the shapes and sizes and perspectives of anyone who stumbled into it?
猫龟🐌 2022-04-22
黑桃生 2020-08-31
dac 2017-07-09
The Thick of It Season 3 (2009)
RayonVert 2020-03-16
超爱新来的部长,每次面对记者那露怯的假笑和竭力抑制自己的窘迫的反应都能让我笑出哮喘,而且她还不像前部长Hugh一样逆来顺受,面对Malcolm还敢回嘴骂脏话。同样,演员Rebecca Front的表演也非常棒,一个经验不足、被赶鸭子上架、还只学到了政客的皮毛和架势的部长模样,相当可信,且尺度拿捏完美,喜剧色彩浓郁又自然。当然,五星还是主要送给全世界最帅的alpha ****、独一无二的doctor fuckeity queen Peter Capaldi,the man who made everybody masochist !
Sophie 2017-02-13
This season is extraordinarily droll.
抖啊抖 2015-03-26