《墨西哥皮箱》又名La Maleta Mexicana。
A film which tells the story of the discovery of a suitcase containing 4,500 negatives taken by famous photographers such as Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and David “Chim” Seymour, who here presented their personal testimonies of the different faces of the civil war in Spain. Three story lines depict the journey of the negatives from France to Mexico and trace the role Mexico played ...
鸳鸯 2012-08-23
@杂家 after book talk Esperando a Capa with Susanna Fortes.
Anna喃喃 2013-06-22
gaogao 2014-02-10
侯二六 2013-06-21
講到Robert Capa的盛名甚至使許多Gerda Taro和David "Chim" Seymour的作品被人們歸入他名下。
Callvados 2016-09-28
你掉毛吗 2020-09-05
No podemos forjar un futuro sin memoria.
amie**苦多 2023-10-06
总是在其他课上被迫看拍的很无聊但subject还算有趣的电影。看这部片子不如看photo book。