After fighting for a seat on their morning commute, Sally and Carl begin talking and suddenly their daily train journey becomes a lot **** interesting. Carl is happily-married, Sally's engaged - where's the harm? Yet they find themselves increasingly drawn to each other, and as their friendship grows to flirtation they refuse to admit - to each other or themselves - that a line...
vin 2014-01-07
居心叵测的***。在可能是全年最depressing的周一晚9点档打着“romance”旗号播这种讲庸庸碌碌内心苦闷靠外遇聊以*藉的上班族的故事,是想让大家第二天都幻灭的call in sick嘛。
开心快乐每一天 2019-05-17
okok 2014-03-12
花岛仙藏 2014-12-28
****** every particle of M. By the way, did Sally finally marry Bryan, or another man? cos it looks like a totally different man! Bryan is such a comical relief...
张R 2017-06-09
SundanceKid🌈 2014-05-19
Brief Encounter.周日晚上看这部,想到明天周一真是治愈又致郁。第一部分的内容,每天早起赶车的人不能更懂...刚互生情愫便明白这是段无结果的爱恋,却还是看得津津有味。是彼此的过客,再见面还能对视一笑真是很好
明亮的星 2017-07-04
蛋白斯基 2016-01-20
完美诠释了婚外情发生到结束的种种 是部提神醒脑的好剧
鱼更 2014-01-08
God it's depressing! The "real world" scares me. Why do we need to find a *** and get married and get old anyway? 唉,简直看得苦闷啊。iPlayer上下两集,故事情节可以猜到但是也能吸引人看下去...结局略烂尾了.
云天 2017-02-21