与真实archival image以及默片的蒙太奇意图再明显不过 Diana Taylor: “The cage is a performance—its ontology determines its ephemeral, bracketed nature. It’s an artwork, produced and performed by two artists who went on tour to critique the quincentennial. However, the as of performance signals its other dimension as critical lens, as a heuristic ******."
shirley 2015-10-12
沈涵 2011-03-02
关于Coco Fusco的一个performance的纪录片
布鲁斯-米 2020-02-04
**人 2020-03-08
说 “music is universal”挑眉摆手的路**被讽刺了……有时候无功无过拾人牙慧的话也好讽刺。高雅人群去网红点打卡真的啥时候都一样啊,排队拍照的人思考过吗?行为艺术被当真真的太可笑了!A slap in the face indeed 但至少还有人感知到讽刺,会想要流泪。
Romanneverdie 2022-06-27
People always want to superior than others if they got the chance.
三匝 2016-12-01
Säger 2018-11-27
与真实archival image以及默片的蒙太奇意图再明显不过 Diana Taylor: “The cage is a performance—its ontology determines its ephemeral, bracketed nature. It’s an artwork, produced and performed by two artists who went on tour to critique the quincentennial. However, the as of performance signals its other dimension as critical lens, as a heuristic ******."
shirley 2015-10-12
沈涵 2011-03-02
关于Coco Fusco的一个performance的纪录片
布鲁斯-米 2020-02-04
**人 2020-03-08
说 “music is universal”挑眉摆手的路**被讽刺了……有时候无功无过拾人牙慧的话也好讽刺。高雅人群去网红点打卡真的啥时候都一样啊,排队拍照的人思考过吗?行为艺术被当真真的太可笑了!A slap in the face indeed 但至少还有人感知到讽刺,会想要流泪。
Romanneverdie 2022-06-27
People always want to superior than others if they got the chance.