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The God Who Wasn't There

The God Who Wasn't There


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Documentary filmmaker Brian Flemming examines the Bible and discusses the history of early Christianity, raising doubts as to whether the New Testament personage Jesus ever really existed. Flemming examines the similarity of the Jesus story to other savior myths of the time and points to inexplicable gaps in early Christian history that combine to shed doubt on the Bible's Jesu...


sabretooth 2012-04-20

结尾的手法不高明但关于 耶稣死后40年间那一段还是有新意的。

旭亮搜神记 2014-01-03

Come on, you didn't even do some research before ****** this clip?

Eric 2013-07-09

How did christianity spread in early days?

eighthday 2007-02-02

主要是想看Sam Harris的intereview. 电影本身不是很出色。

#锦**# 2013-06-26

和荒谬的宗教差不多 感觉更像是导演一个人的宣泄

bugz 2009-09-24

受采访的几位,不够权威,不是很有说*力,导演提供的证据也比较狭窄了些,表现手法也比《宗教的荒谬 Religulous》要差很多。

Karless 2013-03-16
