瓜子资源为您提供What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City,在线点播,迅雷下载。
A winner and sure to please. In front of one of the largest newspaper offices is a hot air shaft through which immense volumes of air are forced by a blower. Ladies in crossing this shaft often have their clothes slightly disarranged. A young man is escorting a young lady and talking very earnestly. They walk slowly along until they stand directly over the air shaft. The young ...
皮卡皮卡布 2022-12-14
皮革业 2012-08-06
方 屿🌊 2023-02-10
原来梦露的裙子被吹起来是1901年就有的idea 从modernity开始就没消失过的male gaze
Helenhelen 2011-07-07
sirius_flower 2017-02-11
精彩 看见镜头躲开的行人,没有躲开的一对男女 梦露时刻之后的欢笑 最关键的是左后方至始至终站着的一个好奇并且可爱的男孩 他并不知道自己的形象将会留在影史当中///配合卓别林Kid Auto Race观看效果更佳
云翳 2024-07-15
paracelsus 2007-10-15
The corner of 23rd St and 6th Ave was renowned for its gusty breezes that might give a glimpse of a woman's stockings. In this staged scene we see an Edison cameraman, and Florence Georgie strolling along when Georgie has a Marilyn Monroe type moment.
Lumos 2023-04-24
到底是我看的版本不对还是怎么……为什么是默片(。)油管Library of Congress版本,加上头尾声明全长1min41s。
喜欢大雷的** 2022-05-04
littleBea 2019-02-24
在early cinema的短片里算很有意思的,一个简单的片段捕捉到人们的**神态。