e01 - The Romantic North e02 - The Flatlands e03 - Highlands and Glens e04 - The Heart of England e05 - The Home Front e06- The Mystical West e07 ...
小呀嘛小匆匆 2011-06-05
6小时诶~||英国文学艺术寻源。|| william turner, one of ** favorite artist, is mentioned again and again here.|| 那老头子读诗真有韵味。
梓—Richard 2010-05-12
A Picture of Britain is a celebration of the British landscape as seen through the eyes of artists, writers and composers. From the breathta
晋晋 2012-12-22
唉···学这个专业就是···不过没事儿看看挺好的 但不配个tea set可怎么行
romqqi 2011-01-08
希望能在我的有生之年看到高质量的 A Picture of China
-V1 2017-10-05
classical.lm 2015-07-11