Dylan Moran, star of Black Books, Shaun of the Dead and Run Fat Boy Run is about to spread a little happiness with a brand new live DVD for 2011. Ageing, religion, kids and relationships intertwine with the general absurdities of life. Searing observations and sumptuous imagery, painted across a large fraying canvas with cruel, curmudgeonly 'Moranesque' brush strokes are all de...
Cutepoison 2011-12-11
乐疯~~ 刀刃型口条儿~~,舔谁一下,谁就血肉模糊一个大口子。
大师兄 2013-03-09
关于当代艺术的吐槽,太到位了。哈哈哈哈哈 Dylan Moran!!
✧ 2012-06-18
棠 2012-06-28
没有Like Totally好看, 醉醺醺的手在发抖, 连珠炮似的冒出一串串即兴的无厘头笑话, 大叔还是少喝一点吧, 大家都爱您啊。 话说黑书店里的整天宿醉的老板完全就是Dylan的真身, 是真身! 请把鸡窝头重新种出来吧
新竹 2012-01-01
敛财童子mo 2013-02-20
hitlike 2013-02-20
Fei 2012-05-24
You think I am smaller than the other robots? well No I am NOT, I AM NOT!! I am a King!! hahahaha
帖拉索伊朵 2012-02-27
hilarious in ** favourite way~
Fran 2012-04-12
mature relationship 那段笑死了。