The people of a town are condemned to *** one by one by a mysterious stranger who erects a gallows in the town square. "The Hangman" is a children's poem by Maurice Ogden. Its plot concerns a hangman who arrives at a town and executes the citizens one by one. As each citizen is executed, the others are afraid to object out of fear that they will be next. Finally there is nobody...
生意. 2024-04-19
刽子手的荒诞童话,静止画面,油画风格。 改编自莫里斯·奥格登的一首儿童诗。一个神秘的刽子手来到一个小镇,一个接一个地处决市民。当每个公民都被处决时,其他人不敢反对,因为他们害怕自己会成为下一个。最后,除了刽子手和这首诗的叙述者,镇上的所有人无一幸免。
thunderoad 2018-02-25
2017重制,based on poem “The Hangman" by Maurice Ogden。看的时候还以为这首诗就是那个“一开始他们杀communists”的出处,后来一查发现不是同一篇,但说的事情差不多,写作时期也差不多(1951,1946)这个主题居然现在还relevant真是疯狂的世界