關於玫瑰區go-go dancer的紀錄片: What a wasted opportunity to actually make an interesting film about a complicated subject. There is very little exploration about what it really feels like to be a straight (or ***) man working in a *** sexual environment.The dancers keep talking about their art as if it has no erotic component. They may not all be prostitutes for hire, but they are inde...
ryan 2010-02-17
a straight gogo dance guy not feeling good about naked dance or any monster cock competitins. so he swich to other club dacing 4 women. over
even 2022-07-16
依稀记得以前看过 一部关于gogo dancer的纪录片
DianWow 2013-05-06
作为一部纪录片来说,深度还不够。访谈里面关于women的话那里我想起另一部也是关于**的电影magic mike,里面男主的女友也是对**这一职业接受无能,但其实此片中的**们接受访谈时都说了,**只是他们的职业,但是在现实中他们和职业是分开的,但可惜的是**们都不相信。★4christian,★4hot act
飞哥的咖啡 2017-02-19
whereiskurt 2014-09-23
好臀好鸟><还有那banana contest...
张摸鱼🌈 2023-02-06
我爱看电影 2013-01-22
长得帅 身材好 中后段尺度大 就是舞技一般 PS后面那个夜场主持男很美