David has stopped speaking to his running buddy, Ben. David writes Ben a letter asking him to forgive him and telling him that he wants to run with him again. When David finally meets up with Ben, will he have the courage to give Ben the letter in which he reveals his true feelings for the first time?
Anni P 2011-01-05
Panda的影音 2021-05-31
回到我身边 Run To Me (2007):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Lx411N7Je
Dear Morie 2011-06-17
矫情 如果那封信写好一点也行 偏偏···文笔足够糟糕
Helenhelen 2011-07-28
办公室甜心 2010-04-06
好可爱的男主,就是剧情做作了点 - -
LENZ 2011-04-20