斯半岛黑金纪录片 讨论**对维京人的残忍殖民和黑金的发展现况 ”It's not about teenage angst...not about cure itself...it's just for the pure future psycopath...just when u try to **** urself up into a higher level...u'll either kill urself or find a way to live in the real hell which seem to be reality itself" --------- --------------------------------Niklas Kvarforth AKA Shinin talks about suicidal bm
Morwenna 2013-11-08
这个拍得太精彩了,简直就是黑金属的教学片,适合不了解黑金的人看。配乐也比until the light take us 给力。在某种意义上来说后者更像是“五阿哥”的记录片。在谈到对Christian black metal的看法的时候,所有人的表情简直就是太搞笑了哈哈哈哈哈!
Friederika 2018-10-27
"Once I open ** eyes, I have no reason to close them"
lennon 2013-03-02
Virgil 2023-11-23
Arktika 2017-08-27
Black metal is not for everybody.
Eorl 2018-02-02
Himmiko 2012-12-30
终于好了 我添加的第一个豆瓣条目!!!
xLD黑恶躁x 2014-02-20
Pseudopod_M 2020-06-16
还行 但群嘲Christian Black Metal太精髓了