When young, virginal Caroline learns of her mother's death in Paris, she travels to the **** of Lights for the funeral. Sad and alone, Caroline wanders the exotic **** in search of answers, finality, and peace of mind. But only misfortune is in stock, as Caroline is raped and robbed by a French thug. But seemingly coming to her rescue is Isabelle, a mysterious and voluptuous wo...
decidels 2013-08-07
给个三星吧。看Misty Mundae演个HE真难得···
克里斯汀魅力 2024-07-06
两星半,虽然剧情很零散,演员演技也很难蚌。但是看傻白甜少女和坏**吸血鬼谈恋爱还是挺甜挺好磕的,如果加强剧情联系,整点特效,我甚至可以给到三星。结局应该是happy end吧,听吸血鬼最后的独白应该是没把女主给吸死。ps:米丝蒂这哭戏也太难蚌了,不整点小珍珠在脸上,我以为她在笑
芬蓝*绿粉红 2023-06-05
仰之 2023-12-05