POP STAR ON ICE is an unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of outspoken Olympian and three-time US Figure Skating National Champion Johnny Weir. When Johnny fails to win a medal at the 2006 Winter Olympics, the ***** turns on him and he feels the backlash. Love him or hate him, Johnny is one of the most talented skaters of all time, but talent alone does not make a champion...
饭夫斯基 2010-02-19
他是个凡人,我却觉得他神明一般地存在着。 Evan Lysacek 原来从那个时候起就已经这么烦人了啊。
抖啊抖 2010-02-23
boy you are one tough beautiful fighter
冬冬包 2010-02-21
一个真实纯净,富于创造力和**,最有明星范儿的Johnny!! 原来**大鸟从小就是这副令人生厌的三好学生范儿了啊,唉
雨田立日 2010-03-03
a wonderful wonderful documentary! and like they said on their website,"watch it and try not to fall in love with johnny weir! i dare you!
鹰头猫 2010-04-25
幽灵不会哭 2013-02-10
3.5 就是这种有个性的人拍成纪录片才好看,片子的叙事非常流畅,既不是流水账也没有去炫技,将重点放在了威尔参加的全美赛上,**比赛的镜头很少,重点突出了他与雷萨切克的竞争,在本片拍摄1年后,雷萨切克就得到了威尔梦寐以求的奥运会冠军,只能感叹天意弄人呀
Fran 2010-03-13
a good representation of a pop star, but not necessary to be a good documentary
Greer 2010-02-24
Iridescence 2010-02-24
I wish i were there every minute!
AshtrayGem 2010-02-23
吾要养像囧尼一样额腻子~⊙v⊙~ 个Paris和他到底是什么关系=v="we are like a married couple without the ***"...啧啧,囧尼帮他开车,帮他做饭,帮他擤鼻*,一道拍JQ照,还压倒他...雅面跌~~~他的那些毛毛们太可爱了!!!!