The 60 minute video for Madonna's *** book is a ***** work of art. It's like seeing the book come alive as it's almost in every location. There is no talking in this film just 1920's music and Madonna is absolutely beautiful. Very rare to find now in days it's a must have for a every Madonna fan but the quality **** than likely will be terrible due to the number of times copyin...
Clash-Cash-Car 2012-11-08
是挺美的 干嘛麦姐要**啊 过去看是**比较算成功之举 现在这个**看起来 是不**才是真正的完美艺术人生呢
聖冰箱 2012-11-08
这其实是90年代初时尚美的一个集大成 看看导演吧 法比恩拜伦 多少年ck的掌镜者
小爱 2020-03-08
Madonna《******集里的很多照片就出自这部纪录片。全程无对话和旁白,画质粗糙。虽然Madonna并未发行它(而是把它的拷贝送给了一百位朋友),但她还是选了其中一些片段用在了《Erotica》MV里。没想到她那时的男朋友是Vanilla Ice……
你有幺蛾子 2017-07-27