其实最好的观众只能是彼此。 I love dance, but it's part of me. The word "love" is too weak for dancing. It's something that devours you. It marks you for life. The title didn't make me dance better or worse. I had the same flaws, the same physique.
It's impressive but it's too bad I do nothing. No,I'm an understudy,I'm used to it.—Anonymous understudy I'd tell a story, but not a ballet. How do you relate a painting? 9th is definitely not a ballet. It's a demonstration.The story? All men are brothers—Bejart
栗子 2012-11-02
杨浦小囡 2017-05-25
名残り 2022-08-14
其实最好的观众只能是彼此。 I love dance, but it's part of me. The word "love" is too weak for dancing. It's something that devours you. It marks you for life. The title didn't make me dance better or worse. I had the same flaws, the same physique.
UID0 2019-05-10
好运loveable 2017-07-16
It's impressive but it's too bad I do nothing. No,I'm an understudy,I'm used to it.—Anonymous understudy I'd tell a story, but not a ballet. How do you relate a painting? 9th is definitely not a ballet. It's a demonstration.The story? All men are brothers—Bejart
雨夜花开 2011-10-04
ALI丝儿 2020-07-14
小甜心 2020-03-17
一米光阳挚 2025-01-04
goodnightmoon 2020-07-23
眼睛看见了美 却不知为何 耳朵听见了声音 却不知方向 看见了 感受了 所以想象出来了