Best of the Companions was an Embassy Row production that aired as one of a trio of "punditry segments" on *** America in August 2011. It aired in the run-up to the premiere of Let's Kill Hitler, ostensibly to offer North American viewers a "memory jog" prior to recommencement of series 6. Like all episodes of this series, it was notable for featuring exclusively North American...
sleepwalker 2014-11-25
MOGUSANG 2013-01-25
井戒 2012-12-28
amy无可替代,rory贴心,river酷炫 岳父岳母女儿都是女婿最棒的同伴=3=
SundanceKid🌈 2014-12-30
I choose Rory over The Doctor!I choose Rory over The Doctor!I choose Rory over The Doctor!
pajas 2014-04-04
he just storm into your life, and then left with you totally changed. he made you a **** at sometime.
rache 2018-12-29
Summerwine 2017-12-30
果然大家都“魔法特到底要怎么折磨Rory啊啊啊” Rory就慢慢从那个全程懵*又怂又茫然的小可爱变成独当一面的男人了。我还是觉得 amy爱Rory不是因为Rory是可以爱她的人,仅仅就是因为她爱他,