A documentary following the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards from the front line of Helmand Province, Afghanistan to their work as ceremonial soldiers at Trooping the Colour, the Queen's annual birthday parade on Horse Guards, London.
sarah🇺🇦 2014-10-27
Is Home one of the most popular songs among soldiers on tour to Afghan?// bearskin萌cry惹。。
mecca 2011-10-14
主旋律忠义情怀 先介绍仪式传统 接下来十来个人物轮流****两线表现 最后两线合一 不咸不淡春秋家国 亮点是较美中清淡自然(想想看,中式催胎配乐或美式添油加醋!>_<) 可仍会诡异联想到**阅兵+地雷战的结合体,哈!p.s. 不少耿耿+美型英国小年轻哟!- -
若迦 2011-10-30
Elsa 2015-09-18