The Genius of Charles Darwin is a three-part television documentary, written and presented by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. In the first episode Richard Dawkins explains the basic mechanisms of natural selection, and tells the story of how Charles Darwin developed his theory. He teaches a year 11 science class about evolution, which many of the students are reluctant ...
****猪大肠 2010-10-07
共三集,灰肠好!****://***.verycd****/topics/336676/ (英文字幕)
小强 2019-03-28
崔弗 2023-06-03
懒得去读The Selfish Gene于是(分三个晚上)看了三集纪录片作替代。Dawkins还是很有魅力的。
NARUMI 2015-04-27
liibertad_ 2020-04-07
course materials. 有点理解**反智主义和宗教之间的冥冥联系了。
悉率 2013-07-28
Richard Dawkins主讲。大自然是最神奇(也最残忍)的设计师。每当看到Tumblr上那么多人以所谓宗教信仰自由(其实说穿了是坚守愚昧狭隘的自由)名义对Dawkins的恶毒攻击,就不由得联想到微博上某些热衷传教的神棍。真是可悲。