Episode 1: Love Me Do New series investigating the music revolution of the past 40 years, and its links to the British fascination with *** and gender. The first programme looks at the 1960s, when the popularity of groups like the Beatles and pop icons such as Cilla Black, Marianne Faithfull and Sandi Shaw went hand in hand with a new generation of assertive fans. The decade al...
英恩 2012-12-13
这为了八卦而拍,但我才不会承认自己窃笑过多少次呢。然后,那句,Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they’re girls Who do girls like they’re boys.
知识青年 2011-03-05
British pop culture is created by ***
dac 2017-07-03
Girls and Boys: *** and British Pop (2005)
大胡子阿细 2011-01-25
贾小宁 2011-06-18
new romantics与****不得不说的故事;Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994**; girl power and the awareness of sexuality of very young girls
招财猫 2011-10-12
每天晚上睡不着就是为了看这个啊。。。。英国流行乐和***的结合未免有些牵强,权当音乐纪录片看了。每次看这种东西都要感叹一代不如一代啊啊啊啊~~~90s后就没有可发掘的东西了,猛然发觉连lady gaga也只不过是retro而已啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~
GGH&& 2013-12-19
1. 妈蛋最后一集开始说after all Britain is a conservative country...骗谁呢_(:*」∠)_ 2. 前三个半小时堆了**漂亮的女孩子男孩子,**大叔什么的。有缸一出现画风立刻就不对了_(:*」∠)_ 3.戴安娜究竟是为什么躺了一枪。。。。。 4.越想越觉得主题曲选的太好。
萧 2018-06-07
Echo//BA叔是宝 2012-02-25
牛的和大牛的都出来啦~可是THE CURE呢,耿耿于怀~~
Absinthe 2011-08-03
越到后面越乱 就不单纯是*** and british pop了哟..