《女战士占娜》又名Soldier Jane。
Fanni has had enough of money and leaves to buy a tent. Anna has had enough of pigs and leaves the farmer - one needle in the hay. In the new **** Fanni rolls the dice while Anna does not think twice - she knocks down all the pins. Together they raise their voice and shape one mutual tune. Differences attract each other, and jolly they move on - together on their distinct journ...
第29届圣丹斯电影节:评审团大奖 世界电影单元剧情片(提名)。
搵岑荷 2013-02-23
片名的直接来源是 Beck 的歌曲 Soldier Jane, 而英语法语都没有阴性的soldier这个词,所以使用了德语的Soldate. 片中明显的三处参照是Vivre sa vie, La passion de Jeanne d'Arc和Jeanne Dielman. 也是片名中Jeannette的一大来源