The film is about the friendship between a girl and a cow. Their perfect times together are interrupted by a bee and some sneezes. An enforced separation inspired by caring parents' pales into insignificance when the cow finds herself on another planet. Her quest to get home to see her friend is ludicrously employed and as it turns out - suicidal. We discover that friendship ca...
小乙 2009-06-04
A story about the friendship. 故事结尾却变成了 hot milk and honey can relieve the common cold. Some kindly of wierd. 另,片名很英语式得一语双关。
刘小黛 2010-01-15
friendship can be fickle.用milk冰释前嫌。纸片画。
Ragdoll™ 2009-04-05
【Mad Cow Jumps Over the Moon】 Hey, diddle, diddle\The cat and the fiddle\The cow jumped over the moon\The little dog laughed\To see such sport\And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Ziggy 2011-03-08
nikki 2011-12-29
小柚子×旅行家 2010-11-05
光 2013-11-01
我觉得这样的风格很好玩,如果是彩色就更好了 ****://***.tudou****/programs/view/-rErIOMGz5E/
啊么吸溜 2015-06-07
李子鲤|Lilith 2007-04-28