Just watched this on the National Film Board of Canada site where they have about 300 of their material presented for your enjoyment. Having previously viewed and commented on a couple of shorts associated with animator Ryan Larkin, I was excited when Street Musique was presented on the NFB site twice in both French and English title form (otherwise, it's the same film). Starti...
Vini_Kazma 2012-04-20
Plot Keywords: Part Live Action | Experimental Film | Distortion Animation | Fast Motion Sequence | Non Narrative | Bathtub | Production Co:NFBC
疾走 2010-11-22
现在还有多少人会这样一张一张的画 一个frame一个frame的去考虑transformation
胡子一大把 2009-12-29
Helenhelen 2011-04-04
一幅幅酣畅淋漓的画作,但是音乐和画面并不匹配。我搞不懂为什么叫“street music”
合纥 2013-02-07